Syed Ather Enam, Sitara-e-Imtiaz
(Diplomate American Board of Neurological Surgeons)
Professor of Neurosurgery
Scientific Director, Juma Research Laboratories
Professor, Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Sakarkhanum & Hussain Ebrahim Family Chair
Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
Founding President, Pakistan Society of Basic & Applied Neuroscience (PASBAN)
Founding President, Pakistan Society of Neuro-Oncology (PASNO)
Founding President, Pakistan Academy of Neurological Surgery (PANS)
It gives me great honor and pleasure to announce the inauguration of the Pakistan Society of Basic & Applied Neuroscience (PASBAN) on May 12, 2008.
PASBAN is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization chartered by the Government of Pakistan. Through PASBAN, we are hosting Annual Neuroscience Conferences (ANC) from last 6 years and Essential of Neuroscience Course (ENC) from last 3 years. I have seen a very enthusiastic participation in these academic events. It turns out that most of the attendees are students from medical colleges and universities across the country. The culture of science and particularly neuroscience is very rudimentary in Pakistan, but the enthusiasm that exudes from this young audience is very promising.
I welcome membership by the students and trainees who are interested in neuroscience. On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Advisory Board of PASBAN, I invite you all to join us as a member of PASBAN and participate in the activities of PASBAN to improve the neuroscience concepts, to enhance neuroscience research in Pakistan and to stimulate other academic and organizational activities to help PASBAN achieve its mission and goals so that the future generations are fully engaged in more rigorous East-West collaborations for the good of humanity.
We very much look forward to hearing from you if you have any advice or recommendation to enrich the role of PASBAN in Pakistan and worldwide.
President-Elect Message

Sadaf Ahmed
I am honored and grateful to be the first President-Elect of PASBAN. PASBAN aims to empower potential learners and researchers to engage in the interdisciplinary fields of neuroscience through education, outreach, and awareness initiatives. We at PASBAN are more interested in pursuing the mysteries of the brain in both healthy and pathological states. Unlocking the role of neuroscience in healing is only possible by exploring deeper into healthy brains and seeking mechanisms that lead to brain pathologies by studying neuroscience at the molecular, cellular, behavioral, social, and epidemiological levels.
As an elected President of PASBAN, my ideology is the same as the broader vision of PASBAN to bring neuroscience enthusiasts on one platform, expand the canvas of neuroscience with multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary dimensions, reinforce the idea of connecting basic, applied, and clinical research to benefit the community and global health in the more extensive run.
The core purpose of PASBAN is to raise awareness about neuroscience among the public, students, academic institutions, Government bodies, and National and International organizations to broaden our spectrum and start working on practical science.
As President of PASBAN, I would like to take the initiatives to be inclusive and merge the likely minds in diverse fields like psychology, public health, allied health sciences, biomedical engineering, etc., to gather their energies in fortifying neuroscience in Pakistan. I would continue the legacy of PASBAN, celebrating science and research in detangling the unsolved issues connected with the brain, mind, and body.
“Everyone who wants to explore the mysteries of the brain will get something back once they connect with us. PASBAN is always there to nourish the curious neuroscientific minds”
Thank you for being an inspiration in your unique ways. As PASBAN progresses with its vision, we look forward to your support for neuroscience.