Pakistan Society of Basic & Applied Neuroscience (PASBAN) is organizing Neuroscience Educational Webinar Series (NEWS). NEWS will be virtual educational webinar series. The format will be 45 minutes presentation, 15 minutes of Q/A, and 20 minutes of general discussion. There is no fee for the participants, but pre-registration will be required.
Our cardinal objective for organizing NEWS is to improve the neuroscience concepts, enhance neuroscience research in Pakistan, and stimulate other academic and organizational activities to help PASBAN achieve its mission and goals so that the future generations are fully engaged in more rigorous East-West collaborations for the good of humanity.
Zoom link will be shared with registered participants only.
List of sessions | 2022
List of sessions | 2023
13. Organoids as a model of the human brain development, neurological disorders, and their impact on clinical applications Dr. Salma Jahan February 1, 2023 |
14. Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying anesthetic-induced cytotoxicity in the neonates, and their impact on learning and memory in adult animals By: Dr. Naweed Syed April 5, 2023 |
15. The Origin and Importance of Oscillations in the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal Axis By: Prof. Stafford Lightman June 7, 2023 |
16. Neurology of Language By. Rashid Saleem August 13, 2023 |
17. 3D-Bioprinting; Tissue and Organ Regeneration By: Dr. Sheerien Rajput October 4, 2023 |
18. Neural Mechanisms of Altered States of Consciousness under Psychedelics By: Dr. Adeel Razi December 6, 2023 |
List of sessions | 2024
19. Gene Therapy for Pharmacoresistant Focal Epilepsy By: Dr. Dimitri Kullmann February 7, 2024 |
NEWS Steering & Logistic Committee